Friday 30 August 2019

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Releases Post On Solutions For The Sleep Deprived Due To Snoring

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, an organization based in Long Beach, California, has announced that they have recently published a blog post offering some solutions for those who find it difficult to sleep because they snore or their partner snores. The article is titled, “Sleep Solutions You Can Try.” One of the potential reasons why people cannot get enough sleep is that they snore or they sleep beside one who does. The article points out that approximately 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women snore regularly, which means that it is likely that people are not getting enough sleep because their significant other snores or they themselves snore.

Steve Walker, a spokesperson for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, says, “You can always try sleeping in separate bedrooms but that’s a very temporary solution. Sleeping away from your snoring partner is just going to help you. It will not, in any way, help your snoring partner. As a matter of fact, it might even hurt your snoring partner.”


He explains, “If your partner snores heavily, the more he or she will need you to stay close by. Heavy snoring is a manifestation of stoppage of breathing. As annoying as it may sound, you may need to wake up your snoring partner when you hear him or her struggle for air.”

One possible solution for snoring is the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help the person with breathing while sleeping. The CPAP machine will not just help get rid of snoring, but it will also help the individual feel more refreshed when waking up in the morning. However, the use of a CPAP machine will require a recommendation from a doctor and it is usually only used for severe cases of snoring.

Another possible solution is to change the person’s sleep position. When people sleep on their back, this can cause the tongue to drop back into the throat, causing a blockage. While it may take some time to get used to, sleeping on one’s side instead of on one’s back can possibly eliminate snoring. The sleeping partner can help with this because he or she can wake up the other person who is snoring so that he or she can change sleeping position.

The snoring mouthpiece, which was also mentioned in recent writings from The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, is also another possible solution to snoring so that people would be able to sleep better. This anti-snore device looks like a retainer but its function is to prevent the tongue from dropping back, thus preventing snoring. Its primary purpose is to keep the airways clear so that snoring can be avoided, so that the person can avoid sleep apnea and have a better sleep.

There are two snoring mouthpieces that The Snoring Mouthpiece Review suggests people should try. One is the SnoreRX, which has the “MicroFit” feature that will help in adjusting the position of the lower jaw for maximum comfort and effectiveness. The MicroFit allows for accurate calibration in increments of 1 mm for maximum clinical effectiveness and patient comfort.

The other snoring mouthpiece that is recommended is the GMSS. This particular anti-snoring mouthpiece is in a class of its own. It is also the only anti-snoring mouthpiece that can be bought without a prescription or a dentist’s bill. It is flexible as it is made of a soft material that is BPA-free. Essentially, it is very similar in principle and shape to a baby soother, with a bulb at one end. Furthermore, there is not need to worry about proper sizing because it is a one size fits all mouthpiece.

Another advantage of the GMSS is that it can be worn even by people who wear dentures at night. And as long as the patient does not bite down on it, it can last more than one year, and possibly even two years. This was revealed through testimonials and reviews.

People who want to learn more about the GMSS (Good Morning Snore Solution) or other anti-snoring devices can visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website or contact them via the telephone or through email.


The following blog article The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Releases Post On Solutions For The Sleep Deprived Due To Snoring was originally seen on TSMR


Thursday 22 August 2019

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Organization Publishes Post About When People Should Worry About Snoring

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, an organization based in Long Beach, California, has announced that they have recently published a blog post that offers advice when people should worry about their snoring. The article is titled, “Snoring: When Should You Worry About It?” and explains that snoring could be an indication of something more serious. It explains the snoring issues that people should be on the look out for.

Steve Walker, a spokesperson for The Snoring Mouthpiece Review, says, “No matter how you define it, snoring is a common habit for both men and women. It’s typically most common for men, but for any person, your chances of snoring start to increase as you get older. Although this problem is usually just mildly annoying (or funny), there are times when snoring can be related to a serious condition called sleep apnea.”

Steve points out that while snorers may seem to look and sound funny, they are actually struggling with their breathing. People snore when there is a physical obstruction that is hindering the flow of air through the mouth and nose. There are many possible causes of this physical obstruction. These include blocked nasal passages, bulky throat tissue, poor muscle tone, and a long soft palate and/or uvula.

The article points out that people should really worry about a person who is snoring when the snore is unusually loud. This may indicate sleep apnea, which means that there are times when the person momentarily stops breathing resulting in a reduction in oxygen levels when sleeping.

There are three kinds of sleep apnea. The first one is called obstructive sleep apnea because it is caused by a physical obstruction as mentioned above. The second type is central sleep apnea and is due to the brain not sending the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. The third type is known as complex sleep apnea syndrome, which is a combination of the first two types.

Fortunately, there are many available solutions on the market. And on recent news is the Good Morning Snore Solution (GMSS), which is a mouthpiece that can be purchased without requiring a prescription or a dentist’s bill. The GMSS has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the company that manufactures it has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The GMSS mouthpiece is flexible, is made of soft material, and is BPA-free. It is very similar in shape and principle to a baby soother, with a bulb on the end. Technically, it is a mandibular advancement device (MAD) mouthpiece but its design is so unique that it has become a category of its own. It is made of medical grade resin and is latex-free. And it has not just been cleared by the FDA of the US but also by Health Canada, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, and the European Commission.

Reviewers have noted several unique characteristics of the GMSS mouthpiece that make it a great choice for most people who have snoring problems. First of all, the GMSS is unlike the oral appliance that need to be customized by the dentist. Such oral appliances can be very expensive and may be priced into the $2,000 to $3,000 range. Second, the GMSS has been clinically tested in the US, Australia, and Europe and is unique compared to other MAD mouthpieces.

Third, the GMSS will conform to the shape of the mouth and will not interrupt a person’s sleep. And finally, it works by controlling the location of the person’s tongue. This principle is much better than changing the jaw placement because the tongue is much easier to adjust as compared to the jaw bone. The GMSS mouthpiece works by pulling the tongue forward so as to clear the blockage caused by the tongue when it is positioned at the back of the throat.

Those who need more information about the GMSS details can visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website or contact them via email.

from Press Releases

Humidifier: A Great Gift Even For A Snorer

Humidifiers are very popular nowadays. They’re everywhere. Who wouldn’t appreciate a humidifier? A humidifier brings a breath of fresh air into a room. It gives it a spa-like ambience.

A humidifier does more than just provide a spa-like ambience to a room. It’s actually pretty useful to have a humidifier especially during the winter season.

Humidifiers are getting quite popular these days, but before buying a humidifier you must ask yourself will I benefit from using a humidifier? A humidifier is an electronic device that is used to add moisture in the room. Humidifiers generally become a necessity during the winter season, when there are lower levels of humidity in the air and the heating systems dry out the air.


If you’re thinking of a gift for a friend or a family member, a humidifier is a very practical choice. The recipient will surely love it. It’s a practical gift because of the many uses of this particular electronic device.

Other than just adding moisture in the air, humidifiers have several other benefits too.


Here are the benefits of having a humidifier in the room. First and foremost, it relieves allergic symptoms.

Humidifiers are a great remedy to relieve the symptoms of different allergies. The past models of humidifiers add too much humidity into the air, which leads to the growth of certain fungi and bacteria. However, the latest models add a moderate level of moisture in the air. Average and balanced moisture soothes the nasal passages and throat and thus, the allergic person feels more comfortable.

Also, the latest models of humidifiers have a special system installed in them that kills certain germs and inhibits their growth.


Humidifiers warms up the room.

According to studies, a humidified air is warmer as compared to the dry air. In the moist atmosphere, the sweat evaporates more slowly, that keep people warmer. Thus with the help of humidifiers, one can even save on the heating bills.


Even your furniture will benefit.

Dry air dries out the wooden furniture and thus damages it by making it crack. In the wooden floor, it can even lead to loosening joints. Wooden door of the rooms and wardrobes change their size and it becomes difficult to open or close them, because of the joint loosening the arms and legs of chairs begin to wobble. All this is a result of too much moisture in the air or dry air. Wooden furniture requires a moderate and constant level of moisture to live longer and shine. A humidifier, when used properly with a moderate level of humidity, ensures that the wooden furniture and other wood features of your home stay best for a longer time.


Since humidifiers can help retain moisture in the air, skin is less likely to dry up.

Dry air and dry conditions pull out the moisture from the body leaving behind dry skin and chapped lips. Specially in winter, people suffer from skin dryness issues. Our body needs a proper amount of water to function at its best. As the skin is the largest organ of the body, so the effects of dry air are noticed on it first. When the atmosphere is dry eyes and lips also show irritation other than skin.

Using a humidifier at your home helps to prevent the skin from drying out. The added moisture in the air relieves eye irritation, helps to improve the dry skin and heals chapping or peeling of the lips.


A humidifier is the perfect gift for a new mom or a mom who has just had a baby.

The immune system of babies is weaker as compared to adults so they are more prone to viruses and infections. So the parents are always in the fear that their baby might fall sick. The fear increases in winter season as there are more chances of babies to get flu and respiratory syncytial virus.

A humidifier can help you out in this. If you have installed a humidifier in the room of your child, it will make sure that there is adequate moisture in the room all the time. The air baby intake will be fresh, clean and free of any contamination. The moist air keeps the respiratory tract of children healthy and relieves dry nose, cracked and itchy skin. It also improves the sleeping behavior of babies by relaxing them.


With all the uses and benefits of a humidifier, it really is a good gift idea. Any mom will definitely appreciate it.

Humidifiers aren’t just great gifts for moms. You can also consider giving a humidifier to a friend or family member who snores.

Snoring is a result of disturbed sleep. Humidifiers by adding moderate moisture in the air relax the person and help him or her to have a sound sleep that prevents snoring.

The moist air because of humidifier soothes the tissues at the back of the throat. Humidifiers keep the throat moist and prevent irritation that is associated with snoring.


A humidifier isn’t the only anti-snoring device that you can give as a gift. You can also consider snoring mouthpieces such as,,, and

These snoring mouthpieces are also great gift ideas, especially if you care enough for the person and you want to have some peace and quiet in the bedroom.

Humidifier: A Great Gift Even For A Snorer Find more on:


Sunday 18 August 2019

Sleep Is A Serious Matter

Sleep. We take it for granted. Well, we shouldn’t. We can’t survive on just a few hours of sleep. Even if we try to, our health is going to suffer. We all need to get some good sleep, not just for one night but for every single night of our life. In other words, we all need to get quality sleep regularly.

Sleep is a natural physiological state of the body where our brain is inactive, muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. Sleep is an essential part of our routine and it helps the body 'regenerate and rejuvenate'. We spend one third of our life in sleep and we never bother about it.

Sleep is important as our body undergoes a lot of changes during that time. It allows the body to rest, relieves tiredness, and most importantly restores our cognitive (thinking) ability. During sleep there is active hormone production, which is essential for good metabolism and maintaining homeostasis or body balance. In addition, there is a decrease in the heart rate, heart function and drop in blood pressure.


Question is, how much sleep do we actually need?

The American Association of Sleep Medicine has given guidelines as to the amount of sleep you require to promote optimal health:

-Infants and children- 10 -16 hours
-Teenagers- 9-10 hours
-Adults- 7-9 hours


Seven to nine hours of sleep is a lot for a busy adult. Face it. We’d be lucky enough to get five hours of sleep especially on a week day. The only time we can really catch up on sleep is on the weekend.

Even if we’re given the luxury of time to sleep, there are barriers. These barriers are making it very hard for us to get some sleep.

Lack of sleep brings about some serious consequences. Needless to say, these consequences could be deadly.

Unfortunately, sleep is a very underrated and under diagnosed problem. The consequences of sleep disorders involve multiple parts of the body including risk of stroke, heart attack, memory loss, depression to name a few. We do not have much data for our country, but the Western data shows that a significant number of their population is sleep deprived and has sleep disorders. Consequences of this include loss of productivity, road accidents, accidents at work place. In fact, the West has strict laws with sleep disorders and driving. One’s license is suspended till they comply with treatment.


It’s time we all look deeper as to why we can’t seem to get good sleep. For all we know, we might already be suffering some kind of sleep disorder.

Here are some sleep disorders that we should all know about.

Snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS), Central Sleep Apnoeas, Parasmonias (sleep walking, sleep talking, sleep paralysis, confusional arousals, nightmares), Restless Legs Syndrome, Insomnia to name a few.

The commonest and most important amongst these are sleep disordered breathing (OSA, OHS). The patient, more so the partner witnessing, would have complaints of excessive or loud snoring, choking or gasping sensations, intermittently stopping breathing, needing to go to pass urine at night, dry mouth, waking up unrefreshed, unable to concentrate at work, daytime sleepiness, and morning headaches.


We don’t have to suffer from a sleep disorder to lack sleep. It could be that your partner is the one who has a sleep disorder. If your partner is snoring heavily each and every night, we’re definitely going to lack sleep. That’s not good for us.

So, what should we do about it? For starters, we can start getting healthy. If our partner is the snorer, we should encourage him or her to get healthy.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help us get some good sleep, whether we snore or not.

Our lifestyle has a big role to play in the increasing prevalence of this condition. In todays 'fast food' era and instant technology where one can access work, play, and entertainment at the finger tip, we are moving into a society with a sedentary life style in addition to increased calorie intake with instant foods and beverages. We as a young nation are growing into an obese nation, which is a known risk factor for OSA. In addition, social media and online working results in poor sleep hygiene and quality leading to other sleep disorders such asinsomnia and addiction to the same. This results in poor sleep quantity and quality, both of which affect sleep and hence health.


Aside from living a healthy lifestyle, we can get our snoring partner to wear a mouthpiece that can help him or her breathe while sleeping. A snoring mouthpiece like the can help us get all the sleep that we need. After all, sleep is a serious matter.

The following blog post Sleep Is A Serious Matter was originally published on


Thursday 15 August 2019

Snoring: Causes And Complications Of It

Is snoring a problem of yours? If it’s not, then you’re pretty lucky. As a matter of fact, even your partner is pretty lucky if you don’t snore at all.

If snoring is a problem of yours, you’re not the only one suffering from it. You and a million adults are suffering from it as well

Nearly half of adults habitually snore when they sleep.

For some, it’s not a problem. For others, it may affect the quality of their bed partner’s rest. It can also be associated with sleep apnea, a condition affecting a person’s ability to breathe and the quality of their sleep.


While you shouldn’t really worry about light snoring, it’s the heavy snoring that you should be worried about. It’s a sign that you might have a serious health condition. You really shouldn’t ignore it.

“It could be suggestive of something more going on,” said Dr. Neerav Goyal, director of head and neck surgery at Penn State Health.


The vibrating nasal tissue is what causes the snoring sound. The more it vibrates, the louder the sound.

Snoring is caused by relaxed throat or nasal tissue that vibrates when it collapses while the body is horizontal during shut-eye.

“A lot of it has to do with how air flows through your nose and mouth,” Goyal said. “When we sleep, muscle tone lapses and tissues vibrate much as a reed does when you play a musical instrument.”


There are various causes of snoring. Sleep position is one of the most common causes of it.

Those who sleep on their back are more prone to snoring than side sleepers because of how gravity collapses tissues and muscles in the airway. Sometimes sleeping propped up with a wedge pillow or in a recliner instead of horizontally can help lessen snoring.


For some, snoring could be genetic.

For some, snoring is caused by a genetic anatomic obstruction such as a deviated septum, large tonsils, a floppy soft palate or a large neck circumference.


Certain health disorders and diseases can also cause one to snore.

People with disorders such as cerebral palsy or degenerative diseases may be prone to snoring, because they have less muscle tone as-is. Medications (such as sedatives) and alcohol can also decrease muscle tone.


Excessive weight or obesity can cause snoring as well.

Those who are overweight or obese with a body-mass index higher than 25 may also be at risk, because they may have extra tissue and weight around the airway.


Allergies or colds could also cause you to snore lightly. You really shouldn’t worry about light snoring but if your snoring is becoming a problem, it’s best that you see a doctor.

Snoring becomes a problem when it interferes with someone’s or their bed partner’s ability to get enough restful sleep. In some cases, snoring is associated with sleep apnea, where a sleeping person stops breathing, oxygen levels drop and he or she awakens gasping for air, preventing a restful night of sleep.

“If you snore and feel you are getting poor quality sleep, it may be a good idea to see your family doctor about an evaluation for sleep apnea,” Goyal said.


Health complications could arise from your heavy snoring.

Sleep apnea can also contribute to other life-threatening conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and falling asleep at the wheel.


It’s good to be aware of the causes and complications of snoring. However, it’s best that you see your doctor about it.

Snoring mouthpieces are also available to help you deal with snoring. These aren’t the only devices that can help you though. There are a lot of other products in the market but snoring mouthpieces are really more convenient to use. They don’t require you to wear bulky masks since they’re just simple mouthpieces.

You would have to get used to wearing them though. The good thing is, you will. There are four snoring mouthpieces that you can consider, one of which is the This is definitely a mouthpiece to consider. After all, it’s best mouthpiece for 2019. You might want to talk to your doctor about it.

Snoring: Causes And Complications Of It was first published to The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Blog


Monday 12 August 2019

The Snoring Mouthpiece Review Publishes Articles On Snoring Remedies

Long Beach, CA based The Snoring Mouthpiece Review is pleased to announce that they have published two new posts on snoring remedies. These new articles are a part of the company’s long-running efforts to help the general public find snoring mouthpieces that actually work.

In one of the new posts, the company takes a look at how snoring can become a dangerous ailment. While the phenomenon can lead to long-term harm that may eventually kill the snorer, the article looks at a rather tragic incident where a woman at a UK hospital died after another patient struck her over the head because they found the woman’s snoring too annoying.

Company founder Steve Walker says, “It’s an absolute tragedy and a senseless act. No one should be hurt because they snore. It’s not something that can be controlled. Snoring is a problem that affects everyone. The young, the old, fat and thin, black and white: it doesn’t discriminate. We’ve learned through studies that long term snoring is more than just some odd noises—it can actually be dangerous. But I would never have imagined it would be dangerous in this manner. I’m a snorer myself and know firsthand how problematic it can be to people around me, but I’ve never had someone attack me over it.”

“Still, I’ve been looking for a reliable way to deal with my own snoring for ages,” continues Walker. “And what I’ve found is that the solution to snoring is not to kill the snorer. Rather, help them by finding specially designed products that control and reduce snoring. The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website was actually born as a result of my efforts to find an effective snoring solution. It’s the result of many years of practical, hands-on research into snoring mouthpieces. It’s aim is to aid consumers looking for a way to stop snoring get the best help for the best value.”

“There are certainly many ways to deal with snoring. Most of them, however, are ‘temporary-solution’-style products out there that claim to stop snoring,” says Walker. These products include sprays, nasal plugs, herbal supplements, and pillows, but they are not very effective. Due to this reason, the company chooses instead to focus more on snoring mouthpieces, as the name indicates. Snoring occurs when the airway is narrowed during sleep. Snoring mouthpieces function by moving the lower jaw forward to maintain an open airway during sleep, essentially eliminating snoring by doing so.

“The purpose of my website,” continues Walker, “is to carefully measure the pros and cons of the many available snoring mouthpieces. As someone who is prone to bad snoring himself, I am in the unique position of being able to put all these many products into use and test them out. Every review on The Snoring Mouthpiece Reviews website is the result of hands-on experience, so if you are looking to buy a snoring mouthpiece yourself and want a few solid reviews before you decide, you don’t need to look any further.”

The second new post looks into how snoring can be a problem for both men and women. While it is generally understood that it is mostly men that snore, a new study has found that not only do women tend to snore but they also underreport the fact that they snore and underestimate the loudness of their snoring. According to the study, 93% of men snored and actually reported snoring—while 88% of women snored with only 72% admitted to doing so. Walker states that such a denial of the possibility of snoring is a bad thing. “If you don’t admit that you snore, you can’t take the next step and find a way to deal with it.”

“No one wants to admit that they are a snorer,” Walker notes. “After all, it’s not exactly something that anyone would be proud of doing. It’s rather embarrassing to snore, I would know. The thing is, nearly everybody snores. It’s a fact. No one can deny that. These studies should be used as a starting point to come to terms with the fact that you might actually snore, because only then can you get the necessary help for it.”

Those looking for more information or in-depth reviews of snoring mouthpieces may visit The Snoring Mouthpiece Review website. Additional information can also be found at the following link: GMSS.

from Press Releases

Sunday 11 August 2019

Are You Exhausted When You Wake Up In The Morning?

The alarm clock goes off. You can hardly open your eyes but you need to get up. Your body is begging for more sleep but you need to get up. Even if you do get up, you feel exhausted. The bad part is, your day is just beginning. So why are you feeling so exhausted already?

You know the consequences of not getting enough sleep: mood swings, crabbiness, cravings, difficulty focusing and sluggishness. And when you don't know why you can't get enough sleep, the symptoms become even more frustrating. The culprits behind sleepless nights range from blue light to parasites -- but you might be dealing with something more serious: sleep apnea.


Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder. It’s hard to tell if you have it. So, it’s always better to see a doctor about it first. Don’t be scared because sleep apnea is a common problem.

An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes you to momentarily stop breathing while you're asleep. With sleep apnea, your airway becomes blocked when your body relaxes during sleep, limiting your lungs to little air flow.


Sleep apnea actually causes you to stop breathing while sleeping. So, even if you think you’ve slept long enough, you still feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning. This sleep disorder is also the reason why you snore so loud.

Characterized by loud snoring and often choking noises, sleep apnea causes your brain and body to become oxygen-deprived, often leading to frequent awakenings throughout the night. Depending on the case, it could happen a few times per night or hundreds of times each night.


Do you think you snore at night? If you have no idea about it, go ask your partner. Your partner should know. You can’t hide a snore, especially one that’s very loud. Nonetheless, loud snoring isn’t the only symptom of sleep apnea.

The most common symptom of sleep apnea is snoring, but snoring on its own isn't always indicative of sleep apnea. Snoring followed by silent pauses, gasping or choking sounds is likely a sign of sleep apnea.

Because sleep apnea wakes you up frequently throughout the night (even if you don't notice it), you can suffer from symptoms of sleep deprivation, such as daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, unintentional napping and irritability or mood swings.

Other symptoms include:

• Feeling tired, even when you thought you had a full night's sleep
• Insomnia or trouble falling asleep
• Headaches and migraines
• Loss of memory
• Decreased sex drive
• Nocturia (waking up at night to use the bathroom)


Sleep apnea comes in three different varieties.

There are three types of sleep apnea, and the way they manifest in your body is different. But the end result is the same -- all three deprive your body of oxygen.

• Obstructive sleep apnea is the more common form of sleep apnea that occurs when your throat muscles relax, blocking your lungs from receiving oxygen.
• Central sleep apnea is less common, and it occurs when your brain doesn't properly signal the muscles in your body that control breathing.
• Complex sleep apnea syndrome, also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, is the least common of all three. This occurs when someone exhibits signs of both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea


Sleep apnea is a serious disorder. The fact that you snore so loud means you should do something about it. If you ignore your excessive snoring, you could endanger your health.

When you have sleep apnea, your body is consistently deprived of oxygen throughout the night. This lack of oxygen can have negative long-term effects on your health.

Sleep apnea has been associated with:
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• Cardiovascular disease
• Stroke
• Diabetes
• Depression
• Metabolic syndrome
• Liver problems


Seeing a doctor about your excessive snoring is a safe way to go about dealing with your problem. An snoring mouthpiece like the GMSS can gently help you get some sleep.

This particular snoring mouthpiece is soft and flexible. There’s no need for you to custom fit it to your mouth. It’s a one-size fit all mouthpiece and it’s very easy to wear.

The Good Morning Snore Solution can safely help you get some sleep so that you wouldn’t feel so exhausted when you wake up in the morning.

Are You Exhausted When You Wake Up In The Morning? was first seen on TSMR Blog


Thursday 8 August 2019

A Simple Way To A Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is a necessity. It’s not a luxury. You deserve to get a good night’s sleep every single night. It’s the only way your body can rest and rejuvenate for the next day.

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get a good night’s sleep. There will some nights when your sleep is good and there will be some nights when your sleep is bad. If you’re a snorer, you probably have more nights of bad sleep. If you’re hardly getting any good night’s sleep, you’re going to get sick.

Snoring at night can not only be annoying but also health threatening and sometimes fatal. Many people don’t even know that they snore. Therefore, they are never diagnosed with sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing starts and stops during sleep.


The best way to really know if you snore is to ask your partner. Your partner is not going to lie about it. No one lies about snoring, especially if it’s loud and annoying.

So, if your partner says you snore, accept it and decide to do something about it. Don’t even attempt to deny it because the sooner you deal with your snoring, the better it is for your health and your relationship. Keep in mind that sleep apnea is a serious health problem.

Sleep apnea has been connected to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and also depression. It even causes about 38,000 deaths each year. This is a serious disorder …


Don’t let snoring get in the way of a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep is the key to an awesome day ahead. Don’t miss out the opportunity of facing it.

A good night’s sleep is also good for your health. If you ignore your snoring, your health can suffer.

Most importantly, your snoring might ruin the loving relationship you have with your partner. Don’t let it reach that point.

Don’t let sleep apnea scare you. Yes, it is a serious health problem but it can be cured. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machines are the most common equipment used to cure sleep apnea. Wearing this particular machine can help stop snoring. However, it’s not the most convenient way to get a good night’s sleep. You might even find it uncomfortable to wear.

A CPAP machine comes with a mask that’s attached to a machine. When you wear the mask, it’s going to cover your whole face. It’s not exactly the sexiest thing to wear in bed but it’s going to help lessen, if not, stop your snoring.

There’s an alternative to using a CPAP machine. You don’t really have to look like Hannibal Lecter to stop your snoring because you can opt for an oral appliance instead. An oral appliance or mouthpiece can also help you get a good night’s sleep.

Oral appliances can often be used as an alternative to CPAP (an acronym for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines. Oral appliances look similar to bleach trays or mouthpieces and are not connected to any type of external apparatus. They also don’t require masks that touch the face. These oral pieces have been tested and proven to be just as effective as CPAP machines. The great thing is that they are small, comfortable, and much easier to travel with.


A good oral appliance or mouthpiece is one that fits your mouth perfectly. It should be comfortable enough for you to wear. Most importantly it should be one that works.

One that works well is the SleepTight mouthpiece. This is a simple, wire-free mouthpiece created by a dentist. You can bring it everywhere you go.

The SleepTight mouthpiece is very comfortable to wear. It makes use of the ‘boil and bite’ technology so that it could be molded to a perfect fit.

You just have to dip the mouthpiece in hot water for about 3 minutes. That simple process of dipping the mouthpiece in hot, boiling water will soften it up. That way, you can create a perfect mold of your teeth. You just clamp it down in your mouth to get a perfect fit.

Another good thing about the is that you can order it online and you don’t even need a prescription for it. It’s definitely a simple way to a good night’s sleep.

The following blog article A Simple Way To A Good Night’s Sleep is courtesy of The Snoring Mouthpiece Review
