Friday 8 February 2019

Must Try Snoring Remedies

Snoring is an annoying habit. The deafening buzzing sound can drive you insane and won’t allow you to sleep a wink at night. Habitual snoring can affect your sleep quality leading to sleep deprivation and daytime fatigue. You may feel constantly drained of energy and always drowsy during the day, so you are unable to focus on your tasks and even puts you at risk of accidents like falls as well as road accidents if you drive to get to and from work.

Snoring is especially common among older adults and it can also keep the people around you awake, tossing and turning in bed for hours on end and imagine them having to go through this on a daily basis. While there is no known cure yet for snoring and sleep apnea, the condition that causes one to snore habitually, there are remedies you can try to at least reduce snoring and make it easier for you and your partner to finally sleep soundly at night.

Aside from making lifestyle modifications, another remedy you can try is to assume specific sleeping positions that are known to deter snoring. Find out which sleeping positions are best against snoring and which ones to avoid because they can significantly improve your sleep and it is not just limited to sleeping on your sides.

Snoring could be stopped by adopting certain sleeping positions.

The condition is “very common” said the NHS in a nod to the nation’s lost sleep.

“Snoring is caused by things such as your tongue, mouth, throat or airways in your nose vibrating as you breathe,” they said.

“It happens because these parts of your body relax and narrow when you’re asleep.”

Philanthropist Sara Davenport recommended two positions to help someone avoid snoring.

The foetus

Sleeping in this position means lying on the side, with hands lying infant of the face and legs tucked up underneath.

“This is the most popular of all the sleep positions and the way 51 per cent of all women sleep,” said Sara in her new book ‘Reboot Your Health: Simple DIY Tests’.


However, you can’t really tell the position you end up sleeping in once you drift off to sleep but assuming these positions can help lull you to sleep. If the snoring still persists, your partner can also wear earplugs to drown out the loud buzzing but that does not do anything at all for the root problem with sleep apnea. The best thing you can do is to pay your doctor a visit and if possible, stay for the night at a sleep facility to undergo specific tests that are meant to diagnose if you have sleep apnea or not.

2) Use a nasal strip or nasal dilator.

These devices may help widen your nasal passages, making it easier for air to flow through unobstructed.

Nasal strips adhere to the outside of the nose and pull your airways open. Nasal dilators like anti-snoring devices go inside your nostrils and gently push your airways open.

3) Use an over-the-counter mouthpiece.

Anti-snoring mouthpieces "may also be effective," Aouad says. These devices typically work by adjusting the positions of your jaw and tongue to help you breathe more easily, and thus prevent snoring. You can try this ZQuiet anti-snoring treatment.


By now, it no longer comes as a surprise that snoring is a major medical dilemma but it is embarrassing too. If you want to spare yourself the embarrassment of being laughed at behind your back because you snore so loudly once you sleep, you can try using anti-snoring mouthpieces that are mostly effective against snoring. Some have jaw adjustment features wherein the device subtly pushes the jaw forward to correct the structural anomaly in your mouth, so the tongue no longer relaxes and falls back on your throat in your slumber.

Give an oral device like a try to be able to breathe easier when sleeping and experienced reduced vibrations that are responsible for the loud snoring that breaks the stillness of the night.

The following blog post Must Try Snoring Remedies See more on:


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