Tuesday 25 June 2019

Study Finds That Women Underestimate Their Snoring

Men snore. They don’t deny that at all. They snore loud and mean that it’s hard to get any sleep beside them. The question is, are men the only snorers? Of course not! Women are snorers too. The funny thing is that they can’t seem to admit it.

In what may be the funniest news this week, a new study is finding that women tend to underreport their own snoring. The study looked at 1,913 patients, the average age of 49 years, who were referred to a sleep disorders center at a university hospital.

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/women-lie-about-their-snoring-new-study-finds)

There really is nothing glamorous about snoring. Just imagine a weird, almost too annoying, sound coming out from a woman’s mouth. It seems unfitting for a woman to snore; almost too unfeminine.  That probably explains why it’s hard for any woman to admit that she snores.

What they found was that not only did women tend to underreport snoring, they also underestimated its loudness. The study found that 88% of the women snored, but only 72% reported that they snore.

In addition, about 49% of the women had severe or very severe snoring but only 40% of the women rated their snoring at this level. In the meantime, 92.6% of men were found to snore while a nearly identical amount (93.1%) reported snoring.

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/women-lie-about-their-snoring-new-study-finds)

Another interesting finding is that women actually snore just as loud as men. This might be hard to accept by some women out there but unfortunately, there is some truth in it.

In terms of snoring loudness, the study found that both men and women were approximately at the same level. Women exhibited a mean maximal snoring intensity of 50 decibels and men one of 51.7 decibels.

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/women-lie-about-their-snoring-new-study-finds)

The study required the participants to report and rate their snoring.  Their snoring was also monitored the whole night. The study seems to show a gap between what the women reported and what was actually monitored the whole night.

For the study, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire that rated the severity of their snoring while a calibrated digital sound survey meter measured their snoring through an entire night. Snoring intensity was classified from mild (40 - 45 decibels) to very severe (60 decibels or more).

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/women-lie-about-their-snoring-new-study-finds)

Nonetheless, the findings are relevant especially since snoring can often lead to a health condition called obstructive sleep apnea.

The results of the study are important as snoring is often a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. However, according to the authors, since there is a social stigma associated with snoring among women, women may hesitate or altogether deny reporting their snoring, leaving them undiagnosed for this disorder.

(Via: https://interestingengineering.com/women-lie-about-their-snoring-new-study-finds)

Snoring has to be treated, more so if it’s loud and habitual. It shouldn’t be ignored because it might lead to some serious health problems.

The first step to treating snoring is to simply accept it. There are natural ways to treat snoring. For immediate results, it’s best to consider snoring mouthpieces. These mouthpieces can help lessen the annoying sounds a snorer makes.

A doctor-recommended snoring mouthpiece is the Good Morning Snore Solution. This is an over-the-counter snoring mouthpiece. It holds the tongue and jaw in place, which can help lessen the chances of making weird and loud sounds while sleeping. It can also be worn with or without dentures.

The good news about the Good Morning Snore Solution is that it’s pretty easy to purchase it. There’s no need for a prescription. So, for women, who find it hard to accept that they snore, this is probably the right snoring mouthpiece for you. You can secretly deal with your snoring and eventually stop it. For more information, please visit https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution.

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source https://snoringmouthpiecereview.org/good-morning-snore-solution/study-finds-women-underestimate-snoring

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