Friday 19 July 2019

Snoring: When Should You Worry About It?

Snorers are often the butt of jokes. We make fun of them but in reality, they’re not funny at all. As a matter of fact, they probably need more of our help than our usual sarcasm about their snoring. For all we know, the snoring could be a sign of something more serious.

No matter how you define it, snoring is a common habit for both men and women. It's typically most common for men, but for any person, your chances of snoring start to increase as you get older. Although this problem is usually just mildly annoying (or funny), there are times when snoring can be related to a serious condition called sleep apnea.


While snorers may look and sound funny while sleeping, they’re actually struggling to catch some air.

WebMD says that people snore when there's a physical obstruction interrupting the flow of air through the mouth and nose.


The causes of physical obstruction are the following:

1. Blocked nasal passages – Mucous or physical growths or changes in your nasal cavity can change the flow of air through your system.
2. Bulky throat tissue – If you're slightly overweight or if you have large tonsils, you're more likely to snore.
3. Poor muscle tone – If the muscles in your throat or tongue are too relaxed, they can collapse and get in the way as air is passing through. As you get older, these muscles start to relax more.
4. Long soft plate and/or uvula – This tissue can narrow the opening from your nose to your throat. It dangles in the back of your mouth and, when they bump against each other, it can block your airway, which causes snoring.


While it’s natural for everyone to snore, we really shouldn’t make fun of a snore that is unusually loud. An unusually loud snore is something we should really worry about.

If your snoring is louder than normal, you wake up feeling tired and your breathing stops and starts throughout the night, it's possible you might have a form of sleep apnea.

There are three kinds of sleep apnea. Aurora Health Care defines obstructive sleep apnea as "a condition where people experience brief pauses of breathing during sleep, causing a drop in oxygen levels." There is also central sleep apnea, which happens when your brain doesn't send the right signals to the muscles that control your breathing, and complex sleep apnea syndrome, which is a combination of the two.


Considering the three kinds of sleep apnea, there’s no doubt that it’s a dangerous kind of disorder. The fact that the snorer is having a hard time breathing is something really serious. The effects of stoppage of breathing while sleeping are harmful to the body.

On the bright side, snoring can be treated. The sooner it’s treated, the better. There are various ways to treat snoring.

One option is a nasal strip or some other device that attaches to the outside of your nose to help you breathe easier. There are also mouth guards that go inside your mouth and push your tongue and jaw forward to make more room for air to flow.


There are a lot of mouth guards in the market these days but there are actually just a few of them that are actually safe to use. When choosing a mouth guard, we have to make sure that it has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA.

The Good Morning Snore Solution is not just cleared by the FDA, it’s also accredited by the BBB or the Better Business Bureau. While its design hardly looks like a mouth guard, it guarantees more comfort. More information about it is found on

The blog article Snoring: When Should You Worry About It? Read more on: TSMR


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